Monday, August 24, 2020

How to Make Glow In the Dark Ink

Step by step instructions to Make Glow In the Dark Ink These are guidelines for making sparkle in obscurity ink. Be that as it may, the guidelines are introduced as an anomaly or for data just, not for use with the exception of as a show. Phosphorus consumes on introduction to air and is harmful (~50 mg deadly portion). However,â the ink is more secure than most radioactive renditions. What You Need 1 oz oil of cinnamon1/4 oz phosphorusbottle with caphot water shower The most effective method to Make Glow in the Dark Ink Consolidate the oil of cinnamon and phosphorus in a little bottle.Cap the container and spot it in a heated water bath.Heat the jug until the fixings have softened together. Phosphorus won't break up in water, yet different oils might be fill in for the oil of cinnamon.While this ink might be appropriate for a science lab show, it isn't something the normal individual should endeavor to make or use. Tips for Glowing Success Phosphorus is basic for human nourishment, yet is profoundly poisonous past a certain dose.White phosphorus will change over to red phosphorus when presented to daylight or warmed in its own fume. While white phosphorus oxidizes to deliver a greenish sparkle, red phosphorus will not.Phosphorus will consume unexpectedly in air and cause serious consumes on the off chance that it interacts with skin.There are numerous structures (allotropes) of phosphorus, including white or yellow, red, and dark or violet.Cinnamon oil is disturbing to the skin and hurtful whenever gulped in unadulterated structure.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Certificado para demostrar ciudadanía estadounidense

Certificado para demostrar ciudadanã ­a estadounidense El certificado de ciudadanã ­a estadounidense es un documento emitido por el gobierno de Estados Unidos que sirve para acreditar que una persona tiene la nacionalidad estadounidense. Su nombre en inglã ©s es Certificate of Citizenship. Certificado de ciudadanã ­a estadounidense El certificado de ciudadanã ­a es un documento que se puede utilizar para acreditar la nacionalidad de EE.UU. en los siguientes casos:Estadounidenses nacidos en otro paã ­s que adquieren la nacionalidad a travã ©s de padre/madre en momento de nacimientoNià ±os extranjeros adoptados por estadounidensesMenores de 18 aã ±os nacidos fuera de EE.UU. que se convierten en ciudadanos de forma derivada cuando uno de los padres se naturaliza y se cumplen todos los requisitos.Casos especiales para muchachos menores de 18 aã ±os a fecha de 27 de febrero de 2001 y se encontraban en EE.UU. como residentes permanentes.En todos los dems casos no incluidos en los tres anteriores los ciudadanos estadounidenses pueden acreditar su condiciã ³n por medio de otros documentos.  ¿Quià ©nes pueden solicitar el Certificado de ciudadanã ­a? Pueden solicitar este certificaciã ³n las personas que recaen en una de las categorã ­as siguientes: En preliminary lugar, las personas que nacen en otro paã ­s y child ciudadanos americanos a travã ©s de padre o madre desde el momento de su nacimiento. Cabe destacar que la ley real contempla requisitos diferentes si el ancestor americano es el padre o la madre o si child solteros o casados. La ley genuine aplica a las personas nacidas despuã ©s del 17 de noviembre de 1986. Para las nacidas con anterioridad an esa fecha debern comprobar la ley que se aplicaba en el momento de su nacimiento. En segundo lugar, los nacidos fuera de Estados Unidos y que adquieren la ciudadanã ­a de forma derivada por sus padres en algã ºn momento despuã ©s de su nacimiento y bets de cumplir los 18 aã ±os de edad. Roughage que tener en cuenta que si el que seâ naturaliza es el padre,â los hijos han de ser legã ­timos o ser legitimados risks de que los menores cumplan los 16 aã ±os y adems tienen que vivir con el padre que los legitima. Adems, es requisito imprescindible que los menores tengan su propia tarjeta de residencia permanente y residan habitualmente en EE.UU. con el padre o la madre que se naturaliza. En otras palabras, si el menor de 18 aã ±os dwell fuera de los EE.UU. o, residiendo en el paã ­s, no tiene su propia green card, no adquiere de forma automtica la nacionalidad estadounidense cuando su padre o madre se naturaliza. Tampoco la adquiere si no convive con el begetter que se naturaliza. En tercer lugar, losâ adoptados por un ciudadano estadounidense. Los nacidos fuera de Estados Unidos que child adoptados por un ciudadanoâ y que entran al paã ­s como un IR-3 adquieren automticamente la ciudadanã ­a. En el caso de que la adopciã ³n no fuera last, deber esperar a que à ©sta se produzca. Estas personas tambiã ©n pueden acreditar su nueva nacionalidad con este certificado. Y en cuarto lugar, los casos especiales de los extranjeros que eran menores de 18 aã ±os bets del 27 de febrero de 2001 y que vivã ­an en Estados Unidos como residentes permanentes legales pueden tambiã ©n solicitar un certificado de ciudadanã ­a si: Bets de esa fecha ambos padres se naturalizarono en el caso de viudedad lo hizo el padre sobrevivienteo en los casos de separaciã ³n o divorcio o semejantes solo uno de los padres tenã ­a la guardia y custodia sobre el menor y à ©ste es el ancestor que se naturalizã ³. Los ciudadanos estadounidenses no incluidos en los casos anteriormente expuestos pueden acreditar su nacionalidad mediante otros documentos como, por ejemplo, el pasaporte de EE.UU., el certificado de nacimiento o el de naturalizaciã ³n, el Reporte Consular de Nacimiento en el Exterior, and so on. Trmites para pedir el certificado de ciudadanã ­a Como regla general y salvo la excepciã ³n que se especifica en este artã ­culo ms abajo, debe llenarse laâ planilla a rellenar es la N-600â para solicitar el certificado de ciudadanã ­a. Es importante resaltar que se puede completar esta planilla en cualquier momento, incluso despuã ©s de cumplir los 18 aã ±os.â Lo importante es que los requisitos se cumplã ­an todos bets de cumplir esos aã ±os. Si se solicita el certificado de ciudadanã ­a para un menor, puede hacerlo a su nombre el padre o madre o guardin lawful que tenga la guardia y custodia legitimate y fã ­sica del niã ±o o niã ±a. No pueden rellenar la planilla N-600 las personas que se encuentren en una de las siguientes situaciones: los hijastros de ciudadanos americanos, para los que sã ­ se puede solicitar una tarjeta de residencia.Tampoco pueden solicitar este certificado los hijos no reconocidos como legã ­timos por su padre ciudadano bets de cumplir los 16 aã ±os de edad. Ni las personas que han llenado previamente este formulario y el USCIS ya se ha pronunciado. Asimismo tener en cuenta que en el caso de hijos de ciudadanos que residen habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos el formulario a llenar es el N-600K. Adems,tanto si corresponde el N-600 como el N-600K debe incluirse una serie de documentaciã ³n para acreditar la ciudadanã ­a y la causa por la que se adquiriã ³. Verificar el listado de todos la papelerã ­a que es necesaria y prestar atenciã ³n ya que los requisitos varã ­an segã ºn la causa por la que se alega que se es ciudadano. El arancel a pagar es de $1.170 y es free para miembro en activo o veteranos del Ejã ©rcito. Se puede pagar mediante cash request o check pagadero al U.S. Division of Homeland Security. Nunca utilizar abreviaciones y se deben observar todas las reglas necesarias para completar las planillas de inmigraciã ³n. Por à ºltimo, el formulario firmado y la documentaciã ³n adjunta debe enviarse por correo ordinario a: USCISP.O.Box 20100Phoenix, AZ 85036 Sin ban, si se utiliza el servicio de correo exprã ©s, la direcciã ³n es la siguiente: USCISAttn: Form N-6001820 E. Skyharbor Circle SSuite 100Phoenix, AZ 85034 En la actualidad es posible llenar este formulario online en la pgina oficial de USCIS. Quã © hacer si el certificado de ciudadanã ­a se extravã ­a, se daã ±a o es robado En estos casos se puede solicitar uno de reemplazo. Para ello completar el formulario N-565 y enviarlo al USCIS con la documentaciã ³n de apoyo y el pago de la cuota correspondiente. Tips sobre la ciudadanã ­a estadounidense La ciudadanã ­a History of the U.S brinda, sin duda, excelentes ventajas e incluso derechos ms importantes que ser simplemente residente permanente. Pero no olvidar que tambiã ©n conlleva obligaciones, como por ejemplo el Servicio Selectivo para el caso de varones jã ³venes.â Por à ºltimo, aunque Estados Unidos admite las situaciones de doble nacionalidad, informarse sobre las causas que pueden dar lugar a que se pierda la ciudadanã ­a o que à ©sta pueda ser revocada. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a lawful para ningã ºn caso concreto.

Friday, July 24, 2020

When College Has a Negative ROI - Guest Post by David I. Block, EA

When College Has a Negative ROI - Guest Post by David I. Block, EA My accountant from NYC, David Block, sent this out to his list and I thought it brought up some important issues to consider for anyone considering going to (or sending a child to) an expensive yet low-ranked college. For some, at least on pure economic/financial grounds, it might make sense to go straight from high school into the working world. Heres what David has to report: With graduation season pretty much behind us, there are a slew of high school graduates who are enjoying their last golden summer, before well, before that time that many consider to be another golden four years. [I fondly remember those halcyon days before the real world hits! Even in college, I remember thinking: Wow, am I ever  BUSY! All of these social events to juggle!!!  But alas, real life isnt quite so bubble-wrapped.] But over the last couple decades, there has been a rising chorus of critics who point to skyrocketing tuitions, and the corresponding skyrocketing debt-loads, and are just wondering:  is it ACTUALLY worth it? Well, for some schools, the answer is a resounding: NO. TaxMaster Financials Real World Personal Strategy Note When College Has a Negative ROI Whats right isnt always popular. Whats popular isnt always right. Howard Cosell As many have claimed (such as the US Census Bureau  ), a typical college degree is worth up to a million bucks over a career but thats not true for every degree. Whats becoming more and more apparent is that  prospective  college students need to do their homework beforehand, because some degrees simply arent worth the investment. Of the 1312 colleges evaluated in the 2014 PayScale College ROI Report (found here:  ), graduates from 58 institutions are estimated to be worse off after 20 years compared with those who skipped college and went straight to work. These 58 lackluster institutions make up 4.42% of all the colleges surveyed. The lowest grade goes to Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina, where PayScale estimates that grads will be $121,000 worse off after 20 years for earning a degree. To calculate this estimate, PayScale uses an opportunity cost measure they call return on investment (ROI). After factoring all the net college costs, the report compares 20 years of estimated income of a college graduate versus 24 years of income from a high school graduate who started working immediately and didnt have to pay college expenses (or take loans). Future college students (and their parents) must realize that not all colleges are equal. The graduates from the lowest ranking schools report earning less income after graduation. The PayScale website is helpful because it allows you to see reported earnings of graduates from over a thousand colleges. I also assume that low-performing schools in this report tend to offer less financial assistance, which leaves their graduates with larger debt burdens. However, the most highly endowed colleges can reduce their cost of attendance with grants and scholarships. For example, Stanford is one of the most expensive schools based on sticker price, but its financial assistance is typically generous. So the net cost is very competitive, and their ranking is number 4 based on the PayScale study. The list, unfortunately, is not all inclusive. For example, my alma mater does not seem to be in the list at all. And, of course, there is a question about whether or not college is to be best utilized to create well-rounded, intelligent students, well-versed in liberal arts, or if college is now simply to be considered as vocational school. Nonetheless, the list has some value, as there are differences between schools and majors.Debt burdens are relative. A doctors salary can more quickly pay off a high-price education loan than can a teachers. A good rule of thumb is to avoid incurring college debts that will be more than half of your expected annual income. Limiting loans to no more than 50% of a future salary allows graduates to pay off their debts after five years, using 10% of their future salary.Some students begin to realize their faulty economics only after they have enrolled. Not surprisingly, those schools with the lowest ROI also have the highest dropout rates in the coun try. For example, we have Adams State, which has a 21% graduation rate and a 20-year net ROI of minus $20,143. What should be clear from this data is the world of difference between the outcomes of graduates of highly-rated schools, and of those near the bottom of the barrel.  Attending a college with a poor ROI is not necessarily a mistake, but the financial aid package had better be sweet.  So, treat your college decision like any investment:  you also need to do your homework before you commit your time and money to an unknown outcome. I hope I am helping the college choice discussion for you, rather than hindering! Warmly, David  I. Block, EA For Arnold, Tina and Dianne TaxMaster Financial Service Corporation (212) 247-9090 What do you think of Davids  analysis of College ROI? Does it change your view of how you will approach the college choice process? Please share below.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Essay on U.S. Influence on Latin Culture - 989 Words

Since the beginning of the United States intervention within the affairs of Latin American politics in the beginning of the twentieth century, and since the advent of a U.S. effort towards the modernization of Latin America, influences aimed at empowering communities and bringing about democratic movements among Latin American countries have been accompanied by various forms of exploitation and cultural decimation (Leonard, 1999). Efforts at modernization of Latin America have been carried out partly in opposition to the influence IberoCatholic culture (of Spain) which is reported to deprive the Latin Americans of the essential tools for progress: a future vision, a work ethic, the importance of education, a reward for merit, a sense†¦show more content†¦imposes (Mcanany, 1986). More recent and developed theories of the way in which cultural and economic manipulation are intertwined show that: ...the historical evolution of markets in different parts of Latin America... reveal the complexity of the process and the extent to which the state actors served as social engineers [emphasis added] in creating and shaping them. Indeed, the historical record shows that markets were not just locations of exchange or price-setting institutions but sites for different contests and conflicts over interests the complexity of which is not expressed adequately as economic. Although the effects of United States economic influence upon Latin America can not be separated from the cultural effects, my task is to focus on specifically cultural effects. However, as it turns out, Latin America, and particularly Brazil (Reiss, 1999), has been very successful in protecting its media from the potentially destructive forces of U.S. and global influence by maintaining control within governmental and private domains (Stevenson, 1994: 34). Music from the United States is also influential in Latin America. Cali, Columbia is reported - to some degree - to be a site of cultural identification with the phenomena and meaning of Rap music, and this serves as a positive example of U.S. influence. The significance embedded in this issue is very complex of course, involving the history of slavery, as well as currentShow MoreRelatedThe Latino And Hispanic Group1025 Words   |  5 Pagestoday in the U.S. and has a variety of different groups. According to the U.S. Census, a Latino/Hispanic person can be black or white when considering race. Depending on the country the individual is from, it could determine if they view themselves as white, black or neither. The census category of Hispanic became official near the late 20th century. In 1933, President Roosevelt made a â€Å"good neighbor policy† meaning the U.S. would pursue a noninterventionist approach towards Latin America, no longerRead MoreEssay about Dollar Diplom acy1577 Words   |  7 PagesDollar Diplomacy Ever since the 17 republics of mainland Latin America emerged from the wreck of the Spanish Empire in the early 19th century, North Americans had viewed them with a mixture of condescension and contempt that focused on their alien culture, racial mix, unstable politics, and moribund economies. 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The war being fought here is very different, instead of fighting another country, they are fighting drugs. Although war is generally a negative thing, this one is not. In this war there are negatives, but the positives far outweigh them. Latin American countries have witnessed the very noticeable benefits of the drug trade in many aspects of everyday life. The use and production of drugs is important to Latin American culture, brings communitiesRead MoreWater Scarcity Is An Environmental Problem That Reaches1446 Words   |  6 Pages Water scarcity is an environmental problem that reaches around the globe. This lack of water is called the World Water Crisis. In the U.S, people are privileged enough to be able to use clean water for many thi ngs. However, the U.S is effected by water scarcity as well as countries who are underdeveloped and aren t as privileged as we are. Only 2.5 percent of Earth s water is fresh water, of which industrial uses account for 22 percent of available fresh water, domestic use requires only 8Read MoreManifestation of Latin-American Gender Roles in American Media1220 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Manifestation of Latin Gender Roles in American Media Objective The objective of this study is to examine the manifestation of Latin gender roles in American Media. Towards this end, this study will examine the literature in this area of inquiry. Introduction Gender roles are reported to be generally defined as sex-based categories that specify appropriate rules of conduct for males and females in a particular culture or society. Although grounded in biological differences between males andRead MoreEssay on The Impact of Latin American Immigration on America1553 Words   |  7 Pagesimmigration has been a means of discovery and exploration of new lands. In today’s culture, immigration to the United States is an avenue for individuals who wish to start new lives and take advantage of the capitalistic, entrepreneurial system. People from many countries have migrated into the United States. Most recently, the migrants have come from Central and South American countries. These Latin American countries influence America’s society culturally and economically through their language, traditionsRead MoreThe Latino Journey in the United States: Immigrants Essay1693 Words   |  7 Pagesintersection between both minority and majori ty groups. Finally, we get to the apex of this investigation: what lies in the future for Latino Americans in the United States? Although Latino Americans have been portrayed by the majority American culture as a lazy, thieving, and dirty people, their presence in the United States has immensely contributed to it’s development socially, economically, and politically, and their continued presence seems integral to the future of an America that is fastRead MoreHofstedes Improve Four Dimensions Helping Others1372 Words   |  6 PagesAnalysing 116 000 survey questionnaires, Hofstede’s improve four dimensions helping others to understand different culture behaviour. These dimensions were created based on simple problems that most societies have every day. The first dimension, power distance (PD), refers to â€Å"hierarchy†, to how inequality is approved by subordinates and superiors, how power is divided between societies and how people behave with authority. Hofstede divided this dimension in low which are societies with characteristicsRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Monroe Doctrine1195 Words   |  5 Pagesestablished by U.S. president James Monroe and the U.S. secretary of state John Quincy Adams. Their plan of the Monroe Doctrine represented a solid line where the Americans will no longer tolerate interference from European powers in any way shape or form. For the most part, America was minding its own business until Imperialism started booming in the late 1800’s. Latin America was less developed and America saw South and Central America as perfect candidates to extract resources and sell U.S. goods. The

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Harlem Renaissance Essay - 1341 Words

In the beginning of the chapter 3, Addison Gayle Jr., says that black critic today about how beautiful poem, melody, play, or novel had made single black man’s life. He also says that American writer an American for black honor attached. The one problem during the Renaissance was they had really short life there was no black people in it other than artists. Harlem Renaissance were first one to criticize black and white. They came to dominate Harlem Renaissance through creativity and culture. Madhubuti’s contention, Jeffery Stewart stated after major victories of the civil rights movement another intellectual and cultural rebellion called Black Power movement. Madhubuti’s, a black arts movement members relationship with Harlem Renaissance†¦show more content†¦In African American cultural they have interracial and intraracial conflict come up in theme in African American cultural aesthetic movements. Internal factor is an advanced argument. In reality Harl em Renaissance and Black Arts movements advocated African American arts which are created by black artists from their illusion and influences. The connection between the rationale behind the Harlem Renaissance and the ethos of the black art movement is that both are discovering for â€Å"new soul† , â€Å"a fresh spiritual and cultural focusing† , â€Å"Old Negro† and â€Å"a renewed race-spirit that consciously and proudly set [...] itself apart† from white America. Harlem Renaissance has more influence on the black art movement. Even they have a negative image of Harlem Renaissance and they stand to reason Renaissance in black aesthetic. â€Å"Interracial cosmopolitanism† is a sense in Black Arts movement that connect to Harlem Renaissance. Hip hop artists and intellectual have principle, refuse to contribute the influence in both Harlem Renaissance and Black Arts movement and have real relationship with classic and contemporary in African Americ an studies. African critical theoretical approach to Harlem Renaissance and Black Arts movements not for to see winner or failure but, to inspired generation of intellectual, artists, and activists. â€Å"the basic power relations† is to continue to struggle against ideologies and political economies of white supremacy, patriarchy, colonialism,Show MoreRelatedEssay on The Harlem Renaissance1184 Words   |  5 Pagesallowed thousands of Negroes to finally leave the backward Southern states and move to the progressive . North. Many migrated to New York City and ended up in Harlem. Harlem was essentially a Jewish neighborhood , until the Black community settled in. Harlem, where Blacks eventually became the majority. In Harlem a new black cultural identity began to emerged. It came forth through social, religious, civic and cultural organizations,also through newspapers and journalsRead MoreEssay about The Harlem Renaissance1582 Words   |  7 Pages1930’s, the Harlem Renaissance was an important movement for African-Americans all across America. This movement allowed the black culture to be heard and accepted by white citizens. The movement was expressed through art, music, and literature. These things were also the most known, and remembered things of the renaissance. Also this movement, because of some very strong, moving and inspiring people changed political views for African-Americans. Compared to before, The Harlem Renaissance had majorRead MoreHarlem Renaissance Essay1069 Words   |  5 PagesHARLEM RENAISSANCE Throughout the history of African Americans, there have been important historical figures as well as times. Revered and inspirational leaders and eras like, Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement, Nat Turner and the slave revolt, or Huey Newton and the Black Panther Party. One such period that will always remain a significant part of black art and culture is the Harlem Renaissance. It changed the meaning of art and poetry, as it was known then. Furthermore, theRead More The Harlem Renaissance Essay1031 Words   |  5 PagesHARLEM RENAISSANCE Throughout the history of African Americans, there have been important historical figures as well as times. Revered and inspirational leaders and eras like, Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement, Nat Turner and the slave revolt, or Huey Newton and the Black Panther Party. One such period that will always remain a significant part of black art and culture is the Harlem Renaissance. It changed the meaning of art and poetry, as it was known then. Furthermore, theRead More The Harlem Renaissance Essay1513 Words   |  7 PagesThe Harlem Renaissance      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chapter 1 Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harlem Renaissance, an African American cultural movement of the 1920s and early 1930s that was centered in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. According to Wintz: The Harlem Renaissance was â€Å"variously known as the New Negro movement, the New Negro Renaissance, and the Negro Renaissance, the movement emerged toward the end of World War I in 1918, blossomed in the mid- to late 1920s, and then withered in the mid-1930sRead More The Harlem Renaissance Essay524 Words   |  3 Pages Harlem Renaissance nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Harlem Renaissance was a time of racism, injustice, and importance. Somewhere in between the 1920s and 1930s an African American movement occurred in Harlem, New York City. The Harlem Renaissance exalted the unique culture of African-Americans and redefined African-American expression. It was the result of Blacks migrating in the North, mostly Chicago and New York. There were many significant figures, both male and female, that had taken partRead MoreEssay on The Harlem Renaissance1187 Words   |  5 PagesThe Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance refers to a prolific period of unique works of African-American expression from about the end of World War I to the beginning of the Great Depression. Although it is most commonly associated with the literary works produced during those years, the Harlem Renaissance was much more than a literary movement; similarly, it was not simply a reaction against and criticism of racism. The Harlem Renaissance inspired, cultivated, and, most importantly, legitimatedRead More Education as a Part of the Harlem Renaissance Essay1833 Words   |  8 PagesEducation as a Part of the Harlem Renaissance In 1917, the United States found itself buried in a conflict with many different nations. Labeled as World War I, the United States goal was to support the fight for democracy across the world. As the war progressed, there was a need to fulfill many jobs due to the labor shortages that the North had been experiencing. To be more exact, the North received a major labor blow, due to the large enlistment of men into the Army. The draft also helpedRead MoreEssay about The Harlem Renaissance1515 Words   |  7 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Harlem Renaissance Poets consist of: James Weldon Johnson, Countee Cullen, Claude McKay, Jean (Eugene) Toomer, Langston Hughes, Sterling Brown, Robert Hayden, and Gwendolyn Brooks. These eight poets contributed to modern day poetry in three ways. One: they all wrote marvelous poems that inspired our poets of modern times. Two: they contributed to literature to let us know what went on in there times, and how much we now have changed. And last bu t not least they all have written poems thatRead MoreThe Poems of the Harlem Renaissance Essay1039 Words   |  5 PagesThe Poems of the Harlem Renaissance I think the poems of the Harlem Renaissance do carry the tradition of poems with a message. For the three poems that I have studied I have explained their message and how they made the message. The two poems I studied which were by the same author were Harlem and As I Grew Older they were by Langston Hughes, the other poem was by Countee Cullen and is called Any Human To Another. Langston Hughes poem Harlem has a message

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Photosynthesis Light and Plant Free Essays

ESS Internal Assessment: Lab Report Aim: The aim is to measure the rate of photosynthesis of an aquatic plant (Cabomba species) at different light intensities. Hypothesis: If the distance between the lamp and the plant increases the rate of photosynthesis decreases because the plant requires light for photosynthesis to occur. Variables: Independent: The independent variable for this experiment is light intensity. We will write a custom essay sample on Photosynthesis: Light and Plant or any similar topic only for you Order Now In each trial the distance between the plant and the lamp will be increased, from 15 cm in the first trial to 30 cm in the second and then 50 cm in the third. Dependent: In this experiment we will measure the oxygen bubbles the plant releases into the water, per minute, to determine the rate of photosynthesis. Constant: * The species of plant (Cabomba) and the specific plant specimen is going to be kept the soma throughout the experiment because most different species or specimens may photosynthesize at a different rate to others. * The amount of water was also kept constant * The temperature of the water was kept constant at about 25 degrees Celsius (Room Temperature) as nothing was done to alter it throughout the experiment. The time periods were also kept constant as we did three trials of five minutes each and always measured the amount of bubbles per minute. Method: 1. Add Sodium Bicarbonate to the water 2. Put plant in water 3. Put the lamp at 15 cm for the beaker containing the plant specimen. Make sure this is measure accurately 4. Light the lamp at the same time as the timer is started 5. Observe, count and document how many oxyge n bubbles were released by the plant Materials: 1. Water 2. Sodium Bicarbonate 3. Lamp 4. Glass Vile 5. Funnel Data Collection: Measure| 15 cm| 30 cm| 50 cm| 1| 4| 3| 4| 2| 5| 5| 2| 3| 5| 5| 2| 4| 3| 4| 3| 5| 6| 1| 4| Average | 4. 6| 3. 6| 3| Discussion: The results show, that on average, the further the lamp was moved away from the plant, the fewer bubbles formed. This is due to the fact that the lamp provides heat and light for the plant, to components that are vital for photosynthesis to occur. The bubbles in the water were oxygen bubbles that are released by the plant as it respires. As the lamp is further away the plant receives less light and therefore slows the rate of photosynthesis. With less photosynthesis the plant begins to release fewer oxygen bubbles. Evaluation: Our experiment went fairly well, however our results were not very accurate for various reasons. Firstly, the lamp we sued was a simple table lamp instead of UV light used to mimic sunlight. Therefore the light used was not an accurate imitation of sunlight. This may not have allowed the plant to increase it’s rate of photosynthesis to the fullest. Therefore the rates may have been lower then they would have been in the plant’s natural environment. The second factor that may have made our experiment less accurate was the fact that the lamp was not the only source of light hitting the plant. There was general ceiling lighting in the room and a small extent of daylight falling on the plant. This can also have slightly manipulated our results, as we cannot be entirely sure if the rate of photosynthesis was solely influenced by the distance between the lamp and the plant and not by he other light sources in the room. We did not make any measurements of the temperature of the water or discuss the effects this may have had on the rate of photosynthesis. We also knew very little about the natural environment of the Cabomba plant. Therefore our experiment was not an accurate imitation of the plant natural process of photosynthesis, as we had to apply more components such as water temperature, proper lighting etc. We were very successful at measuring the amount of bubbles released per minute as we took turns and worked very successfully as a team, one member taking the time and the other watching and counting the bubbles, therefore we believe that our recorded results are fairly accurate. We also made sure that the lamp was always at the aforementioned distance from the plant specimen. Therefore I believe that our results were rather accurate given that they were recorded in a classroom environment. Conclusion: How to cite Photosynthesis: Light and Plant, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

Rumble Fish Essays (1410 words) - English-language Films

Rumble Fish In thinking of films that are able to exemplify many film elements that are put together in an interesting and organized manner the movie Rumble Fish comes to mind. The director Francis Ford Coppola demonstrates how metaphors are able to help decipher a deeper meaning of the film. Rumble Fish is a film that is about growing up and seeing new things that have never been seen before. The two main characters who are brothers Rusty James and the Motorcycle Boy, experience internal conflicts. Rusty James the younger of the two looks up to his brother and wants to be like him. However the elder has grown out of his previous demeanor of always fighting and he doesn't want his brother to follow in his steps. Throughout the film he ask Rusty James why he is following him. The Motorcycle Boy knows that his brother is somewhat trapped in the city and someone needs to get him out or set him free. He looks to the fish in the pet store to explain this and it is how he relates to his brothers probl ems. This is the scene that will be examined of when Rusty James is in the pet store with his brother and they are looking at the fish. It has been explained how much everyone in town looks up to the Motorcycle Boy, and on numerous occasions Rusty James said he was going to look like him when he was older. Even though the Motorcycle Boy never shows much affection, he wants something better for his brother, and even though he never tells his brother to leave until the end when he knows he is going to die, he tries to let him know through the fish. So until this point in the movie the viewer never really knows how the Motorcycle Boy feels about his brother. The pet store is a metaphor for the lives of these two brothers. The Motorcycle Boy feels the fish are angry because they are trapped in the fish tank, he says if they were in the river they would not fight. To him Rusty James is the fish and if he got out of their town he would realize that there is something more in life. The scene starts with a dissolve of the clouds and a sign the says "Pet Store." The camera shows a double framing shot of Rusty James in the doorway of the pet store, where he pauses for a moment, and it seems that he might be unsure of whether he wants to go in or not. There is a cut to the Motorcycle Boy and he is staring into the fish tank. This scene contains the natural lighting that most of the other scenes have. Even though, the lighting is repetitive it is considered a motif of the film. Rusty James and his brother are tracked from fish tank to fish tank. The camera shot is at a straight on angle shot from the other side of the fish tank, which puts the two brothers in a double framing shot. The camera tracks the two brothers from each fish tank to the next as the Motorcycle Boy explains to Rusty James what the "rumble fish" are. The tracking does not add much to the scene however keeping both brothers together is important because it allows the viewer to see the facial expre ssions of both men. Tight framing is used when there is a two shot of the brothers from the other side of the fish tank, and the camera also shows exaggerated close-ups of the two brothers that are used for reaction shots. The dialogue is monotone, except for times when the Motorcycle Boy sounds sound by the condition of the fish, or the way Rusty James sounds when his brother is trying to explain what the fish are. All is he able to add to the conversation is, "I like the colors." Then when the officer enters the camera angles change somewhat. Since Rusty James and the officer are standing there is a low angle shot, and with the Motorcycle Boy who is kneeling there is a high angle shot. The editing consists